TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Mobile Warehouse Management Overview

Mobile Warehouse Management (Mobile Warehouse) is a solution that will allows your warehouse staff to use the functionality in the Warehouse Management functions on a mobile device, such as a tablet, scanner with a screen, or even a cell phone. The Mobile Warehouse application is web-based, and is available to these mobile devices via an Internet connection to the Mobile Warehouse Portal site set up on a server, and using a current web browser such as Chrome or Edge.

Mobile Warehouse allows you to manage resources, orders, and shipping from the warehouse floor. The application is designed to be easy to use for personnel, increasing efficiency. The Warehouse Manager views in the TRAVERSE backoffice will allow you to see reports of the warehouse activity.

TRAVERSE Mobile Warehouse Management navigation has been streamlined to make warehouse transactions as simple as possible. All transactions take place in real-time. Once the final selection on a screen is made, the transaction is saved. If an invalid selection is scanned or entered, users will see a red notification message on the screen explaining the error.

Mobile Warehouse is only available with the TRAVERSE Global version of the TRAVERSE software. You must have a server with IIS (Internet Information Services) installed and active, and access to the TRAVERSE SQL database from this server. Mobile Warehouse requires a TRAVERSE Server Manager update and client update to install the necessary objects to run the Mobile Warehouse application.

The Mobile Warehouse app is designed with large menu selections and touch screen functionality to be used with a tablet, scanner with touchscreen, or even a cell phone. The menus and screens will adjust the size of the font and fields to fit the type of mobile unit you are using. All fields on all screens can be filled using a bar code scanner, for ease of use when a barcode is available. Contact your software provider to arrange the software acquisition and assistance installing and setting up the Mobile Warehouse Portal.

Mobile Warehouse is tied to various menu selections in the Warehouse Management Setup and Maintenance menu in the TRAVERSE Global desktop application, which allows you to set up the necessary information for logging into the Mobile Warehouse Portal site.

  • Use the Users function to set up Mobile Warehouse user information. Names for users are pulled from the System Manager Employees table, so you must enter employee information using the System Manager Employees function before you can set up any users. Users must also have a default inventory location and bin selected; Mobile Warehouse uses the default location and bin when the user logs onto Mobile Warehouse.
  • Use the SM User Mapping function on the System Manager Administration menu to map a TRAVERSE user to the WM User, selecting 'Employee' for the link type. This allows the system to pull all the settings from the WM user into the TRAVERSE user profile.

Once you have set up Users and mapped the WM users to TRAVERSE users, you will be allowed to log into the Mobile Warehouse Portal.

There are two WM business rules that will affect how Mobile Warehouse functions: the Bins Required rule and the Containers Required rule. If bins and/or containers are required, you cannot leave the bin and/or container field(s) blank; you must enter or scan a valid value before you can continue. When bins and/or containers are not required, you can leave those field blank if they do not apply for the current transaction.

Log in

To log into the Mobile Warehouse app, start your web browser with the URL address of the Mobile Warehouse app in the address bar and execute the web browser. The Login screen appears.

  1. If you are using a mobile device such as a tablet, phone, or Zebra device, touch the User ID field to display a QWERTY keyboard on the screen. Enter your TRAVERSE User ID and Password from the SM Users function in the desktop client.
  2. Mark the Remember Me check box to save your login information, if desired.
  3. Use the Login bar to log into the Mobile Warehouse menu.

Main Menu

The Main Menu for the mobile application gives you access to the mobile warehouse management functions. The menu selections displayed will be determined by the permissions granted when the user is set up in the desktop application.

The method you use to save an entry depends on the device on which you are using Mobile Warehouse. If you are using a mobile device such as a Zebra device or a phone, press the 'Go' button on the on-screen keyboard. If you are using a browser on the desktop, the entry is saved when you tab out of the field.

  • Receiving: The Receiving menu allows you to do the following functions:
    • Purchase Orders: Allows you to receive inventory items on purchase orders. As each line is entered or scanned, inventory is saved to your inventory counts in real time and is available to use.
    • Finished Goods: Allows you to receive finished goods from production. NOTE: You must issue raw materials to the production order before the finished good can be received.
    • By-Products: Allows you to receive by-products. By-products must be assigned to a finished good on the Bill of Material Maintenance screen to be available to receive.
    • Transfers: Allows you to receive inventory items that have been picked from a source location and are now at the destination location to be received into inventory.
  • Issue: The Issue menu allows you to do the following functions:
    • Raw Material: Allows you to issue raw materials to a production order.
    • Orders: Use this function to pick (issues) items to sales orders. This function allocates inventory to the sales order and prevents it from being picked on another sales order or used elsewhere, but does not remove it from the on-hand count. NOTE: To complete the sales order shipping process, the sales order must be processed through the desktop client.
    • Transfers: Allows you to issue inventory items to be picked from the source location and are now ready to be shipped to a destination location.
  • Move: Allows you to move inventory within the same location with the following functions:
    • Internal: Use this function to move inventory within the same location. For example, a bin to bin transfer, or a bin/container to another bin/container.
  • Lookup: The Lookup menu allows you to do inquiries on the following:
    • Inventory: View the quantities and the bins/containers in which an item is located.
    • Bin: View the quantities and the items contained within the selected bin.
    • Container: View the quantities and the items contained within the selected container.
  • Inventory Adjustments: The Inventory Adjustment menu allows you to do the following functions:
    • Dispose: Allows you to perform a miscellaneous decrease of inventory.
    • Physical Inventory: Allows you to record your Physical Inventory-counted quantities by item ID, and bin/container. The current On Hand quantity is not displayed.
    • Inventory Counts: Allows you to record counted quantities by item ID, and bin/container. The current On Hand quantity is displayed.
  • Containers: The Containers menu allows you to do the following functions:
    • Make: Allows you to move items from one container in a bin to another container in a different bin or within the same bin.
    • Combine: Allows you to combine the items and quantity in one container with the items and quantity in another container, either within the same bin or a different bin.
    • Undo: Allows you to remove the container information for the items in the container you enter/select. The bin information stays the same as before. Note: If the WM business rule is set to require containers, this function is disabled.
  • Labels: The Labels menu allows you to print the following labels:
    • Item: Allows you to print labels for the selected item ID, including serial number and/or lot number if applicable.
    • Bin: Allows you to print labels for the selected bin number.
    • Container: Allows you to print labels for the selected container.
  • Location: The current location you are logged into is displayed. The Location menu option allows you to change the location for the current session. Mobile Warehouse displays transactions only for the location you are currently using, and no other locations.
  • Company: The current company you are logged into is displayed. The Company menu option allows you to change the company if the TRAVERSE user is set up to access multiple companies in SM Users, and the user mapping for the WM user is set up in the various companies.
  • Log Off: Use this function to log off of the mobile Warehouse Management application.

You can see sample workflow processes here.